On the west of the river Nile, not too far from ancient Memphis and almost opposite present day Cairo, stands the last one of the seven wonders of the ancient world The Great Pyramid of Giza. This is the largest, most complex of all the pyramids and yet strangely enough, it was also the first to be built. It embodies in its construction such a wealth of knowledge of mathematics , science and astronomy that indicate that it's builders possessed amazing wisdom.
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According to our present knowledge the Great Pyramid of Giza is mostly solid mass, it’s only known interior spaces being the Descending passage (the original entrance), the Ascending passage, the Grand Gallery, a mysterious grotto, an equally mysterious subterranean chamber, and the two main chambers. These two chambers, called the King's Chamber and the Queen's Chamber, have unfortunately retained the misleading names given to them by early Arab visitors to the pyramid. It is an Arab custom to bury men in tombs with a flat roof and women in rooms with a gabled roof; therefore, in the Great Pyramid, the flat-roofed granite chamber became the King's Chamber, while the gabled, limestone chamber below became the Queen's. Even those archaeologists who still stubbornly subscribe to the tomb theory of the pyramid do not believe that a queen or anyone else was ever buried in the limestone chamber. The King's Chamber is 10.46 meters east to west by 5.23 meters north to south by 5.81 meters high (a series of measurements that precisely expresses the mathematical proportion known as the Golden Mean, or Phi). It is built of enormous blocks of solid red granite (weighing as much as 80 tons) that were transported by a still-unknown means from the quarries of Aswan 600 miles to the south. Within the chamber, in the western end, sits a large, lidless coffer (7.5 feet by 3.25 feet, with sides averaging 6.5 inches thick) of dark black granite. When the Arab Abdullah Al Mamun finally forced his entry into the chamber in AD 820 - the first entry since the chamber was sealed in some long ago time - he found the coffer entirely empty. Egyptologists assume that this was the final resting place of Khufu, yet not the slightest evidence suggests that a corpse had ever been in this coffer or chamber. Nor have any embalming materials, any fragments of any article, or any clues whatsoever been found in the chamber or anywhere else in the entire pyramid that in any way indicates that Khufu (or anyone else) was ever buried there. Furthermore, the passageway leading from the Grand Gallery to the main chamber is too narrow to admit the movement of the coffer; the coffer must have been placed in the chamber as the pyramid was being built, contrary to the normal burial custom practiced by the Egyptians for three thousand years.
The Great Pyramid was the largest building height wise for thousands of years and still today is the largest building in terms of mass. The pyramid was built of granite and limestone with an exterior layer white limestone layer that was polished smooth as glass; it would have shined like chrome metal and been so slick that climbing to the top would be impossible. Through the passage of time, countless years of storms and pillaging have stripped away the once shining exterior and cap stone, giving us what we have today. The Pyramid in its original form must have been an awe inspiring site.
Most of the Great Pyramids design and meaning is generally ignored by educational institutions.We ignore the pyramid because there are intentionally distracting fingers who are unable to change some of the beliefs they consider fact. They continue pointing us in wrong directions that dismiss so much that is obvious. It is taught to us in school that the wheel had still yet to be discovered and the Egyptians used slaves with rope to move theses solid stone blocks that weighed up to 100 tons and were quarried from 600 miles away. Even today, with all our machinery, a single block of that weight is incredibly difficult if not impossible to move, much less place them with the amazingly exact accuracy the Egyptians managed. Culturally, we have a tendency to ignore (or ridicule) information that defies our 'consensus based' structure of 'reality'. The Great Pyramid defies our structure of reality. To this day, no one has truly figured out how or who built the pyramid. The information that is embedded in the architecture of the Great Pyramid clearly reveals that it is highly impossible that the Egyptians we learn about in schools designed it. The quantum elements of science present in the structure literally compel the conclusion that there had to be 'outside help' in its design and creation.
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Apparently someone knows something is important about Giza. |
For if man began at the stone age, progressed to the bronze and then to the iron age, then we have the oldest pyramids popping up somewhere between the stone age and the bronze age. This is akin to saying that at some point in time past, man invented the wheel. Sometime later, another made a cart. But in between the wheel and the cart we find a brand new jet engine plane!
This is a realistic comparison when considering the construction of the pyramids.
The designers of the Great Pyramid had access to a supremely successful paradigm subsequently lost to later generations. This can be seen by the decline in perfection of pyramids since The Great Pyramid was built. The Pyramid is a database of that lost paradigm. It is a model of the galaxy, the solar system, the earth and ultimately the human being. Containing with in it harmonious Earth technology that provides healing, energy and spirituality for those around it. is a working metaphor of astronomy, physics, biology, and earth science. The Pyramid is the consummate demonstration of "as above, so below." The best representation of the mind that informed the Pyramid resides in the Pyramid itself. The Pyramid is the message; it is the model.It is the demonstration of the architect’s ability to meld science, art and geometry into a meaningful form. As a wonder of conceptual art, the Great Pyramid organizes grand themes and tremendous ideas. It is the solution to a problem. We must ask: How do we read it? What answers does it hold? What problem does it solve?
Some facts:
The Pyramid uses a system of measurements that are based on Pi, phi, the Golden ratio and the Pythagorean triangle, this was thousands of years before the so called father of geometry discovered the formula. Isaac Newton discovered that when you use Pi as a unit that many of measurements of the pyramid are whole numbers instead of the long decimals we get with our system today. Originally, the English Inch was the same as the pyramid inch but was changed during the time of Queen Elizibeth.
The base of the Great Pyramid covers about thirteen acres.
It consists of approximately 2.3 million blocks of stone weighing around 2.5 tons each, some weighing up to 100 tons.
The length of each side of the base is 365.2422 pyramid cubits, the exact number of days in the solar year (including the extra day for every 4 years).
The slope of the sides of the pyramid is of such an angle that they meet at the apex at the predetermined height of 232.52 cubits. If twice the length of a side at the base, be divided by the height of the pyramid we arrive at the figures 3.14159, which when multiplied by the diameter of a circle, gives its circumference.
The perimeter of the base of the pyramid (365.242 x 4 = 14609.68) is exactly equal to the circumference of a circle whose diameter is twice the height of the pyramid (232.52 x 2 x 3.1416 = 14609.68).
The length of each side of the base is 365.2422 pyramid cubits, the exact number of days in the solar year (including the extra day for every 4 years).
The slope of the sides of the pyramid is of such an angle that they meet at the apex at the predetermined height of 232.52 cubits. If twice the length of a side at the base, be divided by the height of the pyramid we arrive at the figures 3.14159, which when multiplied by the diameter of a circle, gives its circumference.
The perimeter of the base of the pyramid (365.242 x 4 = 14609.68) is exactly equal to the circumference of a circle whose diameter is twice the height of the pyramid (232.52 x 2 x 3.1416 = 14609.68).
So here we have in these figures the solution to the problem of how to square a circle.
The angle of slope of the sides is 10 to 9. That is, for every 10 feet you ascend, you rise in altitude 9 feet. And if you multiply the altitude of the pyramid by 10 raised to the power of 9, you have 91,840,000, which in miles, is the exact distance of the sun from the earth!
The year of the stars is called the 'Sidereal' and the year of the seasons is called the 'Equinoctial'. They differ by about 50 seconds per year. In other words, the stars in their rising and setting are slower by about 50 seconds each year. In order for the 'Sidereal' and the 'Equinoctial' years to come around and coincide again would take 25,827 years, which is called a 'cycle'. If we add together the diagonals of the pyramids base in inches, we arrive at 25,827, or as many inches as the cycle has years.
The year of the stars is called the 'Sidereal' and the year of the seasons is called the 'Equinoctial'. They differ by about 50 seconds per year. In other words, the stars in their rising and setting are slower by about 50 seconds each year. In order for the 'Sidereal' and the 'Equinoctial' years to come around and coincide again would take 25,827 years, which is called a 'cycle'. If we add together the diagonals of the pyramids base in inches, we arrive at 25,827, or as many inches as the cycle has years.
The Great Pyramid contains enough stone to build a six foot high wall from New York to Los Angeles.
There is so much stone mass in the pyramid that the interior temperature is constant and is exactly equal to the average temperature of the earth, 68 degrees Fahrenheit.
The casing stones weighing as much as 20 tons were placed with an accuracy of 5/1000ths of an inch, and an intentional gap of about 2/100ths of an inch for mortar. Still to this day a razor is unable to be fit in-between them.
The mortar used is of an unknown origin. It has been analyzed and it's chemical composition is known but it can't be reproduced. It is stronger than the stone and still holding up today.
The cornerstone foundations of the pyramid have ball and socket construction, a design that is used for enabling structures to deal with heat expansion and earthquakes.
The centers of the four sides are slightly indented with an extraordinary degree of precision forming the only 8 sided pyramid. The effect is not visible from the ground or from a distance but only from the air, and then only under the proper lighting conditions. The Great pyramid is the only 8 sided pyramid.
The sides of the pyramid are lined up almost exactly with the cardinal points of the compass. The accuracy of this alignment is extraordinary, with an average discrepancy of only about three minutes of arc in any direction or a variation of less than 0.06 percent.
The Great Pyramid functioned as an enormous sundial. Its shadow to the north, and its reflected sunlight to the south, accurately marked the entire astrological (astronomy) calendar. Measurements show that the builders had accurately charted such complex astronomical events as the precession of the equinoxes and the lunar standstill dates. The minute discrepancies of the lengths of the base of the pyramid (several inches over the 230 meter length of its base) reveal not an error on the part of the builders but an ingenious means of incorporating into the pyramid the "discrepancies" of the earth itself, in this case the flattening of the earth's globe at the poles.
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Astrology is a big deal in the Pyramid |
The pyramid is a scale model of the hemisphere, incorporating the geographical degrees of latitude and longitude. The latitude and longitude lines that intersect at the Great Pyramid (30 degrees north and 31 degrees east) cross more of the earth's land surface than any other lines, thus the pyramid is located at the center of the land mass of the earth . The original perimeter of the pyramid equals exactly one-half minute of latitude at the equator, indicating that its builders measured the earth with extreme precision and recorded this information in the dimensions of the structure. Altogether these measurements show that the builders knew the exact dimensions of the planet as precisely as they have been recently determined by surveys which can only be done from satellites in space as far as we know.
The foundation of the Great Pyramid is amazingly level., No corner of its base is more than one-half inch higher or lower than the others. Considering that the pyramid's base covers more than thirteen acres, this near-perfect leveling far exceeds even the finest architectural standards of the present day.
There are many astronomical distances displayed perfectly in the dimensions with powers of 10:
Mean Distance to the Sun: The height of the pyramid times 10**9 = avg. distance to sun.
{5813.2355653 * 10**9 * (1 mi / 63291.58 PI) = 91,848,500 mi}
{5813.2355653 * 10**9 * (1 mi / 63291.58 PI) = 91,848,500 mi}
Mean Distance to the Sun: Half of the length of the diagonal of the base times 10**6 = average distance to the sun
Mean Distance to Sun: The height of the pyramid times 10**9 represents the mean radius of the earth's orbit around the sun, or Astronomical Unit. { 5813.235565376 pyramid inches x 10**9 = 91,848,816.9 miles}
Mean Distance to Moon: The length of the Jubilee passage times 7 times 10**7 is the mean distance to the moon.
{215.973053 PI * 7 * 10**7 = 1.5118e10 PI = 238,865 miles }
{215.973053 PI * 7 * 10**7 = 1.5118e10 PI = 238,865 miles }
Sun's Radius: Twice the perimeter of the bottom of the granite coffer times 10**8 is the sun's mean radius.
{ 270.45378502 PI* 10**8 = 427,316 miles}
{ 270.45378502 PI* 10**8 = 427,316 miles}
Earth's Polar Radius: The Sacred Cubit times 10**7 = polar radius of the earth (distance from North Pole to earth's center)
{25 PI * 10**7 * (1.001081 in / 1 PI) * (1 ft / 12 in) * (1 mi/ 5280 ft) = 3950 miles }
{25 PI * 10**7 * (1.001081 in / 1 PI) * (1 ft / 12 in) * (1 mi/ 5280 ft) = 3950 miles }
Precession of the Equinoxes: The sum of the pyramid's two base diagonals in PI = length of the Precession of the Equinoxes (25827 years)
Speed of Earth around the Sun: - The pyramid inch times 10**8 = the speed of the earth around the sun
Mass of the Earth: The approximate weight of the pyramid is 5,955,000 tons. Multiplied by 10**8 gives the approximate number earth's mass.
Average Land Height: The average height of land above sea level for the earth is 5449 inches. This is also the height of the pyramid.
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Giza's scale X1000 on a map |
The Light Equation: The height of the Great Pyramid, minus the height of the capstone represents one millionth the time it takes light to travel the mean radius of the earth's orbit around the sun (1 astronomical unit) using 1 pyramid inch equals 24 hours (mean solar day).
{ (5813.2355653 - 103.0369176) / 10**6 = .0057101986+ days = 493.36116 seconds = 8 minutes, 13.36 seconds }
{ (5813.2355653 - 103.0369176) / 10**6 = .0057101986+ days = 493.36116 seconds = 8 minutes, 13.36 seconds }
The speed of light is accurately depicted with in the unique slope angle of The Great Pyramid, 51° 51' .
51 degrees 51 minutes = 186,600 arc seconds which equals our measurement of the maximum speed of light in miles per second.
51 degrees 51 minutes = 186,600 arc seconds which equals our measurement of the maximum speed of light in miles per second.
The Pyramid is pointing at and aligned with distinct star constellations
The Giza Pyramid complex is a mirror image of Orion's belt.
The Giza Pyramid complex is a mirror image of Orion's belt.
There are four long narrow passage ways or shafts built into the Great Pyramid. Two on the north face and two on the south. The two on the north point to two distinct stars. One at Beta Ursa Minor and one at Alpha Draconis in the constellation of Draco.
The 'star shafts' on the south face point at Sirius and Zeta Orionis. In ancient Egyptian tradition, Sirius is associated with the goddess Isis.
And Zeta Orionis, which is the brightest star of three in Orions belt, is identified with Osiris, the high god of resurrection and rebirth in the remote epoch referred to as 'Zep Tepi' or 'First Time'.
Similarly, ancient monuments all around the world such as in Mexico and at Angkor in Cambodia have celestial connections with Orion, Draco, Leo and Aquarius. Why these astronomical associations? Is it mere coincidence or calculated wisdom?
The Great Pyramid's Functions

The Great Pyramid as a Prophetic Calendar
The Great Pyramid as a Technology
The Great Pyramid and Spirituality
Very cool, have you seen this?
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