Friday, August 13, 2010

Crop Circle Videos you should watch

New Swirled Order
A very good crop circle documentary, made in 2009.

Displaying and explaining the instructional information given through Crop Circles.  They are showing directions to build flying saucers, if the message displayed by these pictures  was taken seriously by the majority population, the world as we know it would be completely transformed.  The implications of technology that would stem from knowledge of fully understood construction of inter-galactic capable space crafts are so immense it is hard to fathom.  A world where a home could have a device that provides completely free energy, creates no waste, runs practically forever and plugs into no outlet. Oil would no longer run the world and our economics would completely transform for the better.  These could almost certainly become fact if aspects used to create a flying saucer were embedded with in common technology and the only reason they have yet to be is because those in power would like to stay in power.  If the population was no longer dependent on certain sources, those sources can no longer hold the seat at the top. 

Part 1

Part 2

Orbs making crop circle.  
Almost all witness testimony of crop circles being made claim to see orbs flying around with the crop circle appearing almost instantly, this is exactly what is shown here.  This video is very well known and has been thoroughly analyzed, with the conclusion of being real.

Orbs flying around crop circle field.

Objects jetting by crop circle very fast.

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